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Among the most important uses of aluminium oxide is in insulating heatsinks, ceramic structures, optic applications, and in the formation of precious gems. The aluminium oxide has excellent thermal resistivity. It is therefore used for the production of piping components, abrasion resistant ballistics, and body armour.
The aluminum oxide is available in powder, pellets, and sputtering targets. It is available in a variety of mesh sizes. The most common are 40 mesh and 80 mesh. A high purity is available in submicron sizes.
The melting point of aluminium oxide is lower than the melting point of magnesium oxide. This is due to the difference in electronegativity. The higher the electronegativity, the more likely that the bond is purely ionic. However, it is possible for the bond to be less ionic.
The melting point is also dependent on the type of heat sink. Generally, a higher melting point is desired because it affects the physical properties of the solidified material. The melting point is also related to the microstructure of the solidified material. It is important to note that the solidified material should contain a large proportion of eutectic phases.
When melting the alloy, the first liquid to melt will be magnesium. In addition, the solidified material is highly insoluble in water. The melting point can be increased when the alloy is melted rapidly.
The rate of oxidation can also be affected by the atmosphere over the melt. The atmosphere can be inert, in the form of pressure below atmospheric pressure, or it can be oxidizing, in the form of pressure above atmospheric pressure.
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